
Sacred Masculine Part 3

We do not evolve mechanically. The evolution of human beings is the evolution of consciousness, and consciousness cannot evolve unconsciously. The growth of human beings is the evolution of the will, and the will cannot change involuntarily. The growth of human beings is the evolution of our power to create and believe in our infinite power. Creation occurs when our feminine and masculine energies are in balance; they become one, with no division and part of a whole. Let's stop seeing genres as a mystery; let go of the fight and resistance. Let's begin to understand ourselves and each other to heal and evolve.

We are all teachers and healers, capable of creating a new reality. We have learned concepts, ideas, and behaviors based on the fear created by the emotional wounds we carry. We have become accustomed to adjusting ourselves to a sick mold in which we needed to fit in if we wanted to be accepted. We create judgments and perceptions of others based on our insecurities and fears. The myths about genders are no different; we believe in minimal ideas of what being a man or woman should be; we believe in great tales from the collective consciousness, and without questioning them, we have made them our own. To create a new story, we must forget what we have learned, everything that we believed as the absolute truth since we were kids. We can begin to understand our masculine energy as liberation from everything we reject; at the same time, we can integrate our true essence. A question must emerge; what kind of masculinity do I want to integrate? And a new myth can be reconstructed based on love and not fear.

This process can begin by examining, exploring, and questioning the most common ideas on false masculinity within our culture and family. We must open ourselves to the sacred masculine with total responsibility, stop being victims, walk the path of self-knowledge and self-healing to grow and evolve. We need to heal our emotional baggage and ideas of what we identify as masculine. Once we heal, we can release resistance and welcome the sacred energy. We must be empty to let the new come in; we must let die what is killing us to be reborn. Learn about the sacred feminine as well, heal preconceived ideas of how a woman should be, understand what that energy represents, and how to be able to integrate it as well. By discovering our inner self, we can recognize the illusions that separate us from unity and totality.

In conclusion, I want to share the interview with Leo, the last of the series. I want to share the perspective of three men from different parts of the world. The first one was with Matt, from Austin, Texas, the second was with Alwan from Lebanon, and Leo from Cuba. In the end, we can conclude that it does not matter in which part of the planet you grew up; the ideas of masculinity remain profoundly ill anywhere. The sacred masculine will arrive when we find a genuine connection with our hearts. As women, we must hold space for men to be able to heal more than ever; when they heal, women heal too. I believe in tender and sensitive men. I believe in men who want to heal and help others to heal. I believe in mystical men who believe too much darkness as well as too much light, won’t let you see. I believe in men who are asleep and want to wake up. I believe in men who know the obstacle is the teacher. I believe in men who embrace their inner child and teach him that it is ok to cry and feel vulnerable. I believe in men who trust their intuition and use it as an oracle to heal themselves. I believe in conscious men who know that when they heal, women heal too. I believe in the sacred masculine who embrace the sacred feminine. Only by understanding who he is, the new man will see that he has co-created a division, will discover that everything he was looking for outside, has always been within him. When we recognize masculine and feminine energies as divine, we can see our divinity and take a massive step towards the evolution of our consciousness.

What was the belief about masculinity that you had growing up?

I grew up with the "typical" idea of masculinity that a lot of Hispanic men have. That is to say, men are always strong, lead the family, and support the household from a provider's perspective. That's what would be considered the "positive" traits of masculinity in my culture. On the other hand, things like stubbornness, inebriation, sexual misconduct, and even physical abuse towards women were not looked down upon too harshly either. I'm not saying all of these things shaped my belief about masculinity, but I'm sure some did influence it.

Based on your culture, how did it shape your masculinity?

Well, in my culture, men are supposed to have things figured out. Of course, in reality, that's not always the case, but giving off the idea of having control in one's life came to shape who I became. I've built myself to be that man that can provide for his family, enjoys a certain level of material success, and is proud of his physical prowess. From a young age, we were expected to be "the man," chase

Have you had the opportunity to heal and change that belief?

I'm sure that on many levels, my behavior is still dictated by some of my early beliefs of masculinity, but I have taken steps towards healing. Although I feel there's much to work on still, I can say that I've made definite progress in the right direction.

What tools have you used to start healing yourself?

I think arming myself with knowledge has been instrumental in not only healing but bettering myself overall. It's what's kick-started my pursuit of other modalities I've come to implement. I've gone about this first by reading as much as possible on many different subjects. However, knowledge gathering in the classical sense has limitations, and that's where tools like Ayahuasca have been transformational to my journey. Ayahuasca's way of teaching, to me, transcends the intellect and penetrates deeply into one's being in an experiential way that is impossible to reach otherwise.

How do you experience vulnerability?

I experience vulnerability by opening myself to experiences where I don't have the illusion of control, whether it be because I am a student to the subject or I don't have an option like it is the case with specific modalities.

How have you learned to balance masculine and feminine energy in yourself?

I honestly don't know. I've definitively tamed my aggression, which is something that drove me for a long time. Still there, just less of it.

How do you connect with your emotions now that you have started a healing journey?

I think the most significant benefit I've started to see now, is that I'm working on myself internally. I can recognize my emotions and the thoughts that trigger them. Mindfulness meditation has been great for this. I now can frequently see them arise and decide whether or not they're worth pursuing. That's especially powerful when negative emotions arise.

How do you embrace your masculinity now?

I think the most significant change for me in how I see masculinity now is that I don't have to know everything or control everything as I thought before. It's a work in progress, but I can now accept things more openly. In this, I'm far more at ease with myself and don't have to assert myself over to compensate for insecurities as much.


Thanks for reading me and I’m especially grateful to the wonderful men who shared their sensitivity with me!



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